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Teething Puppies: Tips & Tricks

During the teething phase, your puppy's discomfort can create stress for both you and your furry friend. Our veterinarians at Jackson share valuable tips and tricks to help alleviate your puppy's discomfort and make this period more manageable for both of you.

Puppy Teething 

Similar to human infants, puppies tend to bite and chew on objects in their surroundings when they are teething, aiming to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with the process. Though it may be a challenging period as you strive to ease your pup's discomfort while safeguarding your furniture, there are several strategies you can employ to assist them.

When do puppies start teething?

The timeline for the development of your puppy's teeth varies based on its breed. Generally, puppies start growing their initial set of teeth around 5 to 6 weeks of age. Subsequently, at approximately 16 weeks, your pup will commence the process of shedding its baby teeth, with the emergence of adult teeth taking place.

How long do puppies teeth?

By the time your canine companion reaches the age of 6 to 7 months, they should have fully developed all 42 of their adult teeth, marking the end of the teething phase.

However, for the preceding 4 to 5 months, teething can pose a significant challenge for many pet owners. During this period, puppies, in search of relief from the discomfort, often resort to chewing on various objects within their reach. Given their small size, this can entail furniture legs, pricey footwear, or even your own feet and fingers.

To address this issue and provide relief for your furry friend while safeguarding your valuable possessions, our veterinary team at Jackson Animal Clinic offers the following suggestions.

How can I help my teething puppy?

Store Some Puppy Friendly Teething Toys in the Freezer

Similar to teething infants, puppies frequently discover that chewing on cold or frozen items can alleviate teething discomfort. While pet stores offer a variety of teething-specific toys, virtually any dog toy can be frozen to aid in soothing your puppy's teething woes. Consider freezing items like Kongs, rubber bones, or soft toys designed for dogs to provide effective relief.

Offer Your Pup Extra Durable Chew Toys

Tailored for small, medium, and large breeds, specialized puppy teething bones from brands like Nylabone come in appropriately sized variations. These bones also boast a range of enticing flavors, serving as a tasty incentive for your pup to direct their chewing instincts towards their designated toy rather than household items. This not only fosters positive chewing habits but also provides relief from teething discomfort. 

Edible Teething Sticks for Puppies

Various well-regarded edible teething treats and bones are available, designed to alleviate your puppy's mouth discomfort. Consult your veterinarian to determine their recommended brand, or visit your nearby pet store. Ensure you select the appropriate size for your pup to maximize the effectiveness of the chosen teething treat.

Healthy Frozen Foods For Puppies to Chew

Consider freezing canine-friendly snacks like bite-sized carrots, blueberries, or apple slices. Another option is letting your dog indulge in chewing on an ice cube. Before introducing frozen treats to your furry friend, it's crucial to consult with your veterinarian to confirm that it's a suitable choice for your pup.

My puppy keeps biting me. What should I do?

Playful nipping and biting are common behaviors in puppies. When one puppy bites another too firmly, the injured pup typically emits a sharp, high-pitched yelp.

If your young pup is exhibiting nipping and biting behavior towards you, it's crucial to address and curb this conduct early on. An effective strategy involves mimicking the yelp of an injured puppy when your furry companion bites. Emit a loud 'OW' in a high-pitched tone to startle your puppy, prompting them to withdraw. Once your puppy ceases the biting and steps back, be sure to reward them for exhibiting good behavior.

However, if this method intensifies your puppy's nipping, calmly cease playtime and either walk away or gently place your pup in their crate for some quiet time.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Our Jackson vets are here to help you with your new puppy's veterinary care and can offer you good advice along the way. Contact us today to book an appointment. 

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